Missional Communities Team Resources



Appendix 1.1 - Choose a Drink: What Would Jesus Do?
Appendix 1.2 - Opening the Bible: Bottles

Appendix 2.1a - Opening the Bible: Chocolate Money Tax
Appendix 2.1b - Opening the Bible: Chocolate Money Tax
Appendix 2.2 - Opening the Bible: Drawing Plates
Appendix 2.3 - Prayer Menu

Appendix 3.1 - Opening the Bible and Pass the Parcel
Appendix 3.2 - Body Part Prayer

Appendix 4.1 - Pass the Pigs
Appendix 4.2 - Pig Finger Puppet
Appendix 4.3 - Make a Prodigal Son Diary
Appendix 4.4 - Spiral Prayers

Appendix 5.1 - News and Clues
Appendix 5.2 - Famous 4?
Appendix 5.3 - Bible Text Walk
Appendix 5.4 - Newspaper Headlines
Appendix 5.5 - Turn it Upside Down Pictures
Appendix 5.6a - Prayer Responses
Appendix 5.6b - Prayer Responses

Appendix 6.1 - Opening the Bible: Placemats
Appendix 6.2 - Opening the Bible: Luke 22:10-22

Appendix 7.1 - Revealing the Truth
Appendix 7.2ai - Bible Drama
Appendix 7.2bi - Bible Drama
Appendix 7.2ci - Bible Drama
Appendix 7.2di - Bible Drama
Appendix 7.2ei - Bible Drama
Appendix 7.2fi - Bible Drama
Appendix 7.2gi - Bible Drama
Appendix 7.2aii - Bible Drama
Appendix 7.2bii - Bible Drama
Appendix 7.2cii - Bible Drama
Appendix 7.2dii - Bible Drama
Appendix 7.2eii - Bible Drama
Appendix 7.2fii - Bible Drama
Appendix 7.2gii - Bible Drama

Appendix 8.1 - Opening the Bible: Stop & Go Traffic Light Reading
Appendix 8.2 - Traffic Lights
Appendix 8.3 - Spot Prayers
Appendix 8.4 - Puzzle Piece Responses Option 1
Appendix 8.5 - Puzzle Piece Responses Option 2
Appendix 8.6 - Rough Map of Gallilee and Samaria
Appendix 8.7 - Lepers at the Border
Appendix 8.8 - The Borders Become a Vortex

Appendix 9.1 - Invitations

Appendix 10.1a - Multi Age Worship Backdrops
Appendix 10.1b - Multi Age Worship Backdrops
Appendix 10.1c - Multi Age Worship Backdrops
Appendix 10.1d - Multi Age Worship Backdrops
Appendix 10.1e - Multi Age Worship Backdrops
Appendix 10.1f - Multi Age Worship Backdrops

Teens Phone Backgrounds

Day 1 - Isaiah 40:28
9:16 Ratio (suitable for most phones)
3:4 Ratio (suitable for most tablets)
9:8 Ratio (suitable for Android phones with a scrolling background)

Day 2 - 1 Samuel 16:7
9:16 Ratio (suitable for most phones)
3:4 Ratio (suitable for most tablets)
9:8 Ratio (suitable for Android phones with a scrolling background)

Day 3 - Psalm 86:5
9:16 Ratio (suitable for most phones)
3:4 Ratio (suitable for most tablets)
9:8 Ratio (suitable for Android phones with a scrolling background)

Day 4 - 1 John 3:1
9:16 Ratio (suitable for most phones)
3:4 Ratio (suitable for most tablets)
9:8 Ratio (suitable for Android phones with a scrolling background)

Day 5 - Romans 12:2
9:16 Ratio (suitable for most phones)
3:4 Ratio (suitable for most tablets)
9:8 Ratio (suitable for Android phones with a scrolling background)

Day 6 - 1 Timothy 2:5
9:16 Ratio (suitable for most phones)
3:4 Ratio (suitable for most tablets)
9:8 Ratio (suitable for Android phones with a scrolling background)

Day 7 - John 10:10
9:16 Ratio (suitable for most phones)
3:4 Ratio (suitable for most tablets)
9:8 Ratio (suitable for Android phones with a scrolling background)

Day 8 - Revelation 21:5
9:16 Ratio (suitable for most phones)
3:4 Ratio (suitable for most tablets)
9:8 Ratio (suitable for Android phones with a scrolling background)

Day 9 - Philippians 3:8
9:16 Ratio (suitable for most phones)
3:4 Ratio (suitable for most tablets)
9:8 Ratio (suitable for Android phones with a scrolling background)