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I'm Not Sick

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Your Details

If you answered YES to either of the above questions you should not attend work until advised by the Department of Health and Human Services that you are released from isolation or until your 14-day quarantine period is complete.

If you answered NO to the above questions, proceed to the symptom checklist below.

For the questions below, please only answer YES if the symptom is unusual for you (e.g. if you often have hayfever with a runny nose or asthma with shortness of breath, etc., then only answer YES if the symptom is new or different than usual).
For more information, see

If you answered YES to any of the above questions you should not enter your workplace (or should leave your workplace). Tell your employer, go home, and get tested for coronavirus (COVID-19).

If you answered NO to all the above questions, you can enter your workplace.

If you develop symptoms, stay at home and seek further advice from the 24-hour coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 or your general practitioner.

You are encouraged to download the COVIDSafe App to assist contact tracing.

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