MAD Camp: Making A Difference Online

  Monday 2nd November, 2020
  Categories: Connect Stories

MAD Camp: Making A Difference Online

MAD Camp leaders and participants on Zoom holding objects that represent themselves.

Secondary MAD (Make a Difference) Camp this year was a very difference experience... at home and online, but still lots of fun! For some, the onscreen games were the highlight. For others, the MAD project captured their interest, even working on them long into the evening. We loved seeing the campers really making the most of this opportunity to help others!

Each camper identified a Making a Difference (MAD) action that they created and completed on camp. MAD actions included: writing an encouragement letter to 26 neighbours; an electronic recipe book for lockdown; and an appreciation package including a letter and homemade rum balls. One of the campers wanted to build community and support within his friendship group. He wanted to go beyond surface level conversations and talk with his friends about how they were really going, to support and be there for them. Through conversations with a couple of leaders, and a lot of courage, he was able to check in on five of his mates and let them know he cared and wanted to support them – what a great effort!

God was at work in so many ways. We were amazed to see campers returning early from breaks, really keen to keep connecting, build relationships, and have great conversations. We asked God to bring the right campers and lead us in taking opportunities and we achieved more than we thought we could in such a short time, and over an online video call. We are so thankful for those of you who were praying for our camp as well. God not only made a difference in each camper’s life, but the campers were God's hands and feet in their community. One person was so uplifted by participating in a camper's project they were inspired to make a difference in their own community!

Sunny and Karen, MAD Camp Directors

This story is part of the November 2020 issue of CONNECT. Read the latest update from our State Director here. For other stories from this issue, click on a tile below.