Chaplaincy Out West

  Monday 5th October, 2020
  Categories: Connect Stories

Chaplaincy Out West

Sunny, Chaplain at Point Cook SC

I started my Chaplaincy role in Term 3, right into the thick of restrictions and lockdowns. In my first term I’ve engaged with students in class groups around wellbeing, exploring where they are finding enjoyment, what their struggles are, and what new opportunities they are seeing. I’ve also had opportunity to meet with students individually. I have encouraged and supported staff through what has been a challenging time. I facilitated a workshop for 20 staff on mental health, sleep, exercise and wellbeing which was a great opportunity to encourage them to look after themselves. After receiving positive feedback I have been asked to present this to a larger audience of staff later in the year.

Throughout lockdown I’ve been going into school two days each week to provide support for onsite students and those in most need. This has provided opportunities to engage staff and some students in a more personal way. I’ve created videos to reach out to students I can’t be with in person - to introduce myself as the school chaplain, talk about R U OK? Day and encourage the whole school community to look out for their friends and peers during a tough time.

I have met staff that have an unbelievably extra-human ability to show care, compassion and grace to students and co-workers. I believe that God is really using these key members of the community to create waves of positive change. I am thankful that God has led me to this school. It has brought great joy to help students overcome struggles in their schoolwork and wellbeing, as well as having opportunities to connect with staff on a deeper and more relational level. My prayer is for God’s spirit to guide me with humility in engaging with and seeing good come to the whole school community. I would love to be part of that.

Sunny, Chaplain at Point Cook SC

This story is part of the October 2020 issue of CONNECT. Read the latest update from our State Director here. For other stories from this issue, click on a tile below.