Stories from Mountain Bike Camp

  Wednesday 23rd October, 2019
  Categories: Camp Stories

Stories from Mountain Bike Camp
Our leaders and campers debrief the inaugural camp in Castlemaine

Our inaugural Mountain Bike Camp was awesome! Thirteen campers from across Victoria rode 10-12 kilometers over three days on spectacular cross-country trails in Harcourt, near Castlemaine. It was awesome to see them clap and encourage each rider as they successfully overcame the more challenging parts of the trails, and to watch them learning to work together as a community. There was a range of experience and ability levels within the group. They learnt to push themselves and develop healthy coping strategies, to listen and communicate well, and not throw in the towel when things got challenging.

"I like to step into the challenge, not be pushed into a challenge. I really felt like I got to do that today, to choose it." — Camper

At the campfire one night, one young boy shared openly with the group how his faith was now his own - not just inherited from his parents. Teens want to connect and have real relationships that support and nurture them. They are digitally connected, but many are losing important people skills. Experiences like this can help.
A wonderful team of supporters drove up to manage our base camp. It was amazing to see long-term SU volunteers interacting and chatting with young campers.

We’re already thinking about the next Mountain Bike Camp. There’s so much more of Victoria to explore... watch this space!

Dylan and Rachel, Mountain Bike Camp Directors

Sent Out To SOAR!

  Wednesday 4th December, 2019
  Categories: Outreach Stories

In July, SOAR Adventure participants were given a unique opportunity to serve – a first-time experience for many. "Just about everywhere...

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